Friday, April 17, 2009

Wrapping up Phase1!

First of all,thank you very much for challenging us to this project.I believe that this project has given us the fundamental knowledge or literacy about Mass Media. Hence,it will play great role in our future career(being journalist).
As regard your questions, answers are listed below.
a)The most exciting part of the DOTCOM PHASE1 project for me was "Our brains on Media".Especially finding an interesting and funny videos to explain what part of brains get influenced and how they are influenced.
b)The most challenging part of the DOTCOM PHASE1 project for me was "The persuasive language of Media".It was more challenged and interesting,because it required more tasks,and gave more knowledge about Mass Media.I read or learned more than 20 persuasive techniques.Thanks to it,I improved my media knowledge to some extent.
c)I have not got any suggestions.Everything,from teaching method to having more interval of time to accomplish models, satisfied me.
2)I found this video to be more interesting and funny.Because it contains more funniest episodes.The best way to convince you why it is so funny,you must watch it entirely from the beginning to the end;)